Thursday, December 15, 2011

December week 3

Wednesday ran outside 22 minutes: 2 miles (in the rain, that as interesting!)
Thursday ran outside for 1hr49 minutes: 9 miles.  This was a very challenging but awesome run. I didn't set out to run more than 5 miles but I just kept going. I fit in 14 big (some HUGE) hills into this run and ran 4 miles into the freezing cold sleet/wind. It was tough and had to run with my head down a lot of the time.  But I like runs like this because it makes me feel like I am capable of anything if I can accomplish them.  Also 15 minutes before I left my husband asked if I was going to run and I said "I don't know... I'm so tired", but he encouraged me to go so I did.  WOW. Can't believe I would have missed out on such a great run!
Saturday: ran 2 miles outside 23 minutes

Monday, December 5, 2011

December week 2

Monday: ran outside in the snow with yak traks (they work great on our icy country roads!) for 39 minutes: 3.5 miles

Sunday, December 4, 2011

December week 1

I took off a week to give my foot a rest after hurting it.
Friday ran outside in 12 degrees with my sister or 3.5 miles. 42 minutes