Wednesday, November 23, 2011

November week 4

Monday and Tuesday home sick with the flu
Wednesday ran outside for 2 miles: 20.30 minutes
Thursday (Thanksgiving!) Turkey trot outside for 51 minutes: 5 miles
Saturday an with my sister in law for 11 miles. 2 hrs 15 minuts (10 minutes worth of water stops and walking). this was my worst run yet.I had been up with my kids for like 3 hours in the middle of the night and I was exhausted. my body was also tired from my race. we ran one direction for the 11 miles (from her dads house to her in laws house) and it ended up being into the wind the entire time (it wasn't suppose to be, the dang wind changed on us!). so even though I did it, and felt great after, it was the biggest challenge mentally and physically. though I feel like if could do that,I can do anything lol.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

November week 3

Sunday ran outside for 43 minutes: 4.07 miles
Monday ran outside for 8 minutes: 1 mile ( wanted to die!! I am NOT cut out to be a sprinter!!
Wednesday ran outside for 1 hour 45 minutes, 10 miles. 10.9 minute miles. huge accomplishment for me!!!
Saturday ran outside (in snow 18 degrees) for 45 minutes: 4.22 miles

Sunday, November 6, 2011

November week2

Sunday ran outside for 19 minutes: 2 miles
Monday ran outside for 34 minutes: 3.2 miles
Wednesday ran outside for a "short" long run for 65 minutes: 6 miles
Thursday ran outside (with my sil) for 48 minutes: 4.4 miles